Alliance Challenger

{ "type": "gunsight", "cl": "gun", "i": 0 }{ "type": "other", "i": "cargo hatch" }{ "type": "utility", "i": 2 }{ "type": "hard_point", "cl": "gun", "i": 3 }{ "type": "other", "i": "canopy" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "heat vents" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "utility", "i": 1 }{ "type": "utility", "i": 4 }{ "type": "utility", "i": 3 }{ "type": "hard_point", "i": 1 }{ "type": "hard_point", "i": 6 }{ "type": "hard_point", "i": 7 }{ "type": "hard_point", "i": 5 }{ "type": "hard_point", "i": 3 }{ "type": "misc", "i": "landing gear" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "landing gear" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "landing gear" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "landing gear" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "heat vents" }{ "type": "hard_point", "cl": "gun", "i": 1 }{ "type": "hard_point", "cl": "gun", "i": 5 }{ "type": "hard_point", "cl": "gun", "i": 6 }{ "type": "hard_point", "cl": "gun", "i": 7 }{ "type": "gunsight", "cl": "gun", "i": 3 }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "hard_point", "i": 4 }{ "type": "hard_point", "i": 2 }{ "type": "hard_point", "cl": "gun", "i": 2 }{ "type": "hard_point", "cl": "gun", "i": 4 }





Optional Internals

View Alliance Challenger Builds on the Shipyard

GoodNot Good
The most armor and potential firepower of the Alliance C ships. Trading a large for two mediums means a bit less top end damage due to loss of armor piercing.
More refined and less twitchy compared to the Chieftain, which can help with hitscan weapons like Railguns.The extra size 6 optional slot does not match the maximum size of many of the common combat-related optional modules that could potentially be placed in that slot, all of which max out at size 5. (HRPs, MRPs, GSRPs)
The three ventral medium hardpoints do well with weapons with high inherent armor piercing like PAs, railguns, and dumbfire missiles. They’re also converged well enough to strike the same module target at about 1000m. Modules are vulnerable when the shields are down. 
It’s a good AX ship. Vulnerable canopy.

Hardpoint Notes

Large1Dorsal and centered, easy to aim.
Medium3Ventrally displaced. One is centered and the other two are slightly laterally displaced. The medium hardpoints converge well with each other but not with the other hardpoints.
Small3Dorsal, arranged in a ring around the large hardpoint with two above and laterally displaced, and one centered just below. Easy to aim. The lower centered small hardpoint fires from almost the same point as the large which can be exploited for module targeting and damage multiplication.
Suggested Hardpoint Convergence Groups: 3M, 1L3S.

Role Ratings

AX CombatViable
AX SupportViable
Bulk TradeDoable
Core MiningDoable
CZ Combat (PvE)Viable
Laser MiningInconceivable!
Mats CollectorDoable
Passenger BoatInconceivable!
PvP CombatViable
Rares Trade
Res/CNB Combat (PvE)Viable
Search and Rescue