Federal Corvette

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Optional Internals

View Federal Corvette Builds on the Shipyard

GoodNot Good
The most agile ship in its class.Slower in a straight line than its counterparts.  You won’t be controlling range.
It’s the king of PvE Combat.  Once engineered you are basically a god. The large hardpoint is poorly placed and doesn’t converge with the others. 
Two huge hardpoints plus a class 8 distributor means enormous damage potential.  You generally design your Vette around whatever weapons you choose to put in the huge hardpoints.Requires Rear Admiral rank in the Federation, which is a grind. 
Can fit a lot of cargo and defend it well. It’s only truly immortal when engineered. Resist the urge to take it out with the factory sticker still attached to avoid an unpleasant rebuy.
CMDR Jack_Harper’s favorite ship.

Hardpoint Notes

Huge2Dorsal, slightly laterally displaced and set on the aft of the ship, just above the pilot’s eyeline. Easy to aim.
Large1Centered but ventral and quite low. Does not converge with/difficult to integrate with the other hardpoints.
Medium2Laterally displaced. Gimbals and turrets work best here.
Small2Dorsal, slightly laterally displaced on the nose of the ship below the pilot’s eyeline. Easy to aim.
Suggested Hardpoint Convergence Groups: 2H2S

Role Ratings

AX CombatViable
AX SupportDoable
Bulk TradeIdeal
Core MiningDoable
CZ Combat (PvE)Ideal
Laser MiningViable
Mats CollectorDoable
Passenger BoatDoable
PvP CombatViable
Rares TradeDoable
Res/CNB Combat (PvE)Ideal
Search and RescueDoable