Federal Gunship

{ "type": "internal", "i": "life support" }{ "type": "internal", "i": "9" }{ "type": "internal", "i": "6" }{ "type": "internal", "i": "8" }{ "type": "internal", "i": "7" }{ "type": "internal", "i": "4" }{ "type": "internal", "i": "3" }{ "type": "internal", "i": "2" }{ "type": "internal", "i": "1" }{ "type": "internal", "i": "distributor" }{ "type": "internal", "i": "FSD" }{ "type": "internal", "i": "PP" }{ "type": "internal", "i": "drive" }{ "type": "internal", "i": "drive" }{ "type": "hard_point", "i": 1 }{ "type": "hard_point", "i": 5 }{ "type": "hard_point", "i": 4 }{ "type": "utility", "i": 3 }{ "type": "utility", "i": 4 }{ "type": "utility", "i": 2 }{ "type": "utility", "i": 1 }{ "type": "gunsight", "cl": "gun", "i": 0 }{ "type": "hard_point", "cl": "gun", "i": 3 }{ "type": "hard_point", "cl": "gun", "i": 5 }{ "type": "hard_point", "cl": "gun", "i": 4 }{ "type": "hard_point", "cl": "gun", "i": 1 }{ "type": "gunsight", "cl": "gun", "i": 4 }{ "type": "other", "i": "cargo hatch" }{ "type": "other", "i": "canopy" }{ "type": "hard_point", "i": 3 }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "landing gear" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "landing gear" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "landing gear" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "landing gear" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "landing gear" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "hard_point", "cl": "gun", "i": 2 }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "thrusters" }{ "type": "hard_point", "i": 2 }{ "type": "hard_point", "i": 6 }{ "type": "hard_point", "i": 7 }{ "type": "other", "i": "fighter bay" }{ "type": "hard_point", "i": 3 }{ "type": "hard_point", "i": 2 }{ "type": "hard_point", "cl": "gun", "i": 6 }{ "type": "hard_point", "cl": "gun", "i": 7 }{ "type": "misc", "i": "heat vents" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "heat vents" }{ "type": "misc", "i": "heat vents" }{ "type": "internal", "i": "5" }





Optional Internals

View Federal Gunship Builds on the Shipyard

GoodNot Good
Potential firepower for days with a class 7 distributor and 7 hardpoints. It’s very slow and has mediocre shields, so avoiding damage is hard if you’re being focused.  You won’t be outmaneuvering anyone, so shoot your way out.
Deploy all multicannons for a traditional maximum dakka build.Requires Federal rank grind. 
Has a fighter hangar and benefits greatly from it. Use the SLF to distract NPC enemies and allow for better shot opportunities. Jump range is flat out terrible. 
It’s a brick with poor pitch and roll…but has surprisingly good yaw that seems to come out of nowhere. This ship benefits people who use all of their thrusters. As with other similar ships, having a bunch of medium hardpoints does not necessarily mean you’re doing a bunch of damage. Armor piercing still counts for something against larger ships.

Hardpoint Notes

Large1Ventral and centered
Medium4Two are ventral, set back on the hull, and laterally displaced. Gimbals and turrets there can be blocked by the hull for targets above the pilot’s eyeline. Two are forward and laterally flank the cockpit with good coverage.
Small2Dorsal, slightly laterally displaced, and set back on the hull. Gimbals and turrets there can be blocked by the hull for targets below the pilot’s eyeline.
Suggested Hardpoint Convergence Groups: Ventral 1L2M, 2M on each side, Dorsal 2S

Role Ratings

AX Combat
AX Support
Bulk Trade
Core Mining
CZ Combat (PvE)Viable
Laser Mining
Mats Collector
Passenger Boat
PvP Combat
Rares Trade
Res/CNB Combat (PvE)Viable
Search and Rescue