Imperial Cutter


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Optional Internals

View Imperial Cutter Builds on the Shipyard

GoodNot Good
The king of trading and cargo transport. Good at laser mining too.The most expensive ship in the game.
Enormous shields and high straight ahead speed.Maneuverability is terrible both in supercruise and normal space. FA-Off helps a bit, but it’s frustrating to turn this ship. You tend to fall back on Reverski tactics.
Nothing can mass lock you, and you can mass lock anyone.Can do combat, but poor turning, no brakes, hardpoint placement limitations and undersized distributor all hold it back.
You’ll look awesome no matter where you go. Basking ability is the highest in the game.Beware Reverberating Cascade Torpedoes, the bane of shield tanks everywhere.
No need to chase all those peasant ships flying around. Just tank and spank.
It’s a really good AX ship based on the amount of defense you can bring to the fight, which makes the process less scary at the beginning.

Hardpoint Notes

Huge1Ventral and centered.
Large2Dorsal and slightly laterally displaced.
Medium4Two are ventral and slightly laterally displaced. Two are dorsal and very widely displaced atop the engine nacelles, not suitable for fixed weapons.
Suggested Hardpoint Convergence Groups: 2L, 1H2M (all ventral)

Role Ratings

AX CombatIdeal
AX SupportDoable
Bulk TradeIdeal
Core MiningDoable
CZ Combat (PvE)Viable
Laser MiningViable
Mats CollectorDoable
Passenger BoatDoable
PvP CombatDoable
RacingDoable as long as there’s no turning.
Rares TradeViable
Res/CNB Combat (PvE)Viable
Search and RescueDoable