Krait Mk II

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Optional Internals

View Krait Mk II Builds on the Shipyard

GoodNot Good
One of the most versatile ships in the game. You can do anything.Agility is a little worse than you think both in normal space and supercruise.
Power plant and power distributor are WAY stronger than they need to be, so exploit them.Missing a class 6 optional slot compared to the Python, so less cargo capacity.
You can use powerful high draw weapons and get the benefit of a fighter hangar.We’re pretty sure it was built upside down. I won’t tell if you won’t. 
One of the cornerstone AX ships.Kraits are squishy wizards in combat. Their defense always leaves a bit to be desired.
CMDR Iri “Herder” ‘s favorite ship

Hardpoint Notes

Large3Two are dorsal and laterally displaced. Can be blocked by the hull when aiming at ships below the pilot’s eyeline. One is dorsal and central, easy to aim.
Medium2Ventral and slightly laterally displaced but close to the cockpit for easier aiming. Can be blocked by the hull when aiming at ships above the pilot’s eyeline.
Convergence Group Suggestions: 3L, 1L1M on each side, Center L/2M

Role Ratings

AX CombatIdeal
AX SupportDoable
Bulk TradeViable
Core MiningViable
CZ Combat (PvE)Viable
Laser MiningViable
Mats CollectorViable
Passenger BoatViable
PvP CombatViable
Rares TradeViable
Res/CNB Combat (PvE)Viable
Search and RescueViable