
On this page you will find a series of useful resources that will help you find your way in the Elite:Dangerous galaxy.

Ship Selector

Not sure what ship you need? Our helpful selector will help you chose the best ship for your needs and budget.
Ship Selector Guide

All things Guardian

Ram Tah, Guardian Modules and Weapons – all the resources you need.
Guardians Guide

Sights to See

Caught the exploration bug, but don’t know where to go? Get some inspiration from fellow members of The Fatherhood
Sights to See

Down To Earth Astronomy

Down to Earth Astronomy is a good friend of The Fatherhood, and his YouTube channel offers a variety of guides on all aspects of the galaxy.​
Visit Down to Earth Astronomy

All Things Engineering

Everything you need to optimise your ship…yes, even the humble Keelback​
Engineering Guide