Featured CMDR Arch “Hubble” Stanton73
2 Apr 2021
What was your first experience with the Elite universe and what keeps you playing it today?
My first experience would have been when I was around fourteen and played it on a ZX Spectrum. It got me hooked on space sims.
The sheer scale of Elite and freedom of exploration, for me, it has all the elements of a perfect space sim.

Tell a quick story about your favorite moment in Elite: Dangerous.
Probably the most memorable was crossing the Xibalba sector to see the Gyer trees. After numerous attempts and epic fails it was quite an achievement for me. I had to make many planetary landings to gather materials for jumponium. There were many occasions I didn’t think i wouldn’t be able to complete the journey, or worse become stranded. The journey home was not so fun!
Tell the story of how you earned your callsign.
I’m not 100% sure but it may be because I like to take the odd screenshot.
Tell us about your favorite ship in the game. (What type of ship is it? What’s it’s name? Why is it your favorite?)
That’s a tough one as all my ships are special to me , but as i’m primarily an explorer it would have to be my Beluga, TFS Scylla. It’s stylish, it’s big, and I can bring everything I need for long distance expeditions.
I like to bring an SLF with me. Not only are they fun to fly but they also make for some great screenshots. The Guardian Trident takes especially good screenshots. The cockpit and view are amazing—definitely one of the best. It also runs so hot I can cook my breakfast on the dash.

What drew you to join The Fatherhood?
I first joined up after hearing about The Lost Souls expedition in 2018 and has to be one of the best decisions I’ve made in Elite. I’m quite the loner so it was great to finally meet people. Shout out to Cmdrs VvshystyVv and A furry teddy.

What is one thing most people don’t know about you that you wish they did?
I’m a musician. I play the bass guitar and have played in original and cover bands: funk, punk, metal, and rock for over 25 years. No fame and fortune, but good, solid, kick-ass fun.
How did you come up with the name of your Commander?
My name is taken from a character in the classic Sergio Leone spaghetti western, “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”.
Any fatherly advice for new CMDRs trying to make their way in Elite: Dangerous?
Join The Fartherhood. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Take your time and don’t rush it. Don’t grind credits, materials, or the biggest ships. Enjoy the experience. Elite is beautiful.
“It’s like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don’t concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.”
Bruce Lee