Featured CMDR: Kris “Pinball” Ghoststar
30 Oct 2020What was your first experience with the Elite universe and what keeps you playing it today?

My first experience with the Elite universe was on my dad’s PC, First Encounters. I was 15, and crazy about going into space. Closest I’ve gotten was sending my name to Mars. I picked up Elite: Dangerous when it was released on the PS4 and played until I had a Cobra, but the friend I started with had health issues and stopped playing. I came back when I saw Horizons on sale in the store and started from the beginning again.

Tell a quick story about your favorite moment in Elite: Dangerous.
So many to choose from, but top of them at the moment is winging with a few of the guys in a conflict zone. I’m terrible at combat flight manoeuvres but hopefully will get better. There was a whole lot of booping going on.
What made you decide to join The Fatherhood?

I found Inara and was just browsing through the squadrons. The info said those with a busy life. I work search and rescue so I guess that qualified as busy.
Tell the story of how you earned your callsign.
The wing mission that was my favourite is also how I got my callsign. There may have been contact involved with friendly forces. I still maintain that Hawk was under so he was responsible for the contact.
Tell us about your favorite ship in the game.
My favourite is a close vote. I love flying the Adder. Mine is maxed out on speed and great fun to fly. Second would be the Krait MK2 fitted for multi-role and just does what it says on the label. I didn’t want to go the meta of a Python.