Charlie Squadron

ID: 7727

CommanderKirillen (aka Drazkul)
Command TeamGizoux



Today the CMDR in question is our very own CMDR Argyria

CMDR Argyria was minding his own business tuning up some Core Components in his ships. As he began to use his materials to upgrade his level 4 Thrusters. He forgot to look at the packaging for the Thrusters. Instead of getting a 4A Thruster to Grade 5 Dirty Drives, he accidentally upgraded his 4E Thrusters.

And with that, the @Veteran s have bestowed the Call Sign “Dirt-E”

Congratulations @CMDR “Dirt-E” Argyria 🇬🇧 on your Fatherhood Call Sign


It was the first ever time a Titan was blowing up in game. CMDR Taneth was so eager to watch the fireworks show, he left work early. Staying alive in the Titan Taranis proved a little more difficult for him than usual this time and he made a joke about dying shortly before the final blow. Which is exactly what happened. As Taranis hit 98% critical, he faced the rebuy screen. To add insult to injury, he also realized at that time he was 12 minutes late to an online work meeting. After one too many misses, “Taramiss” was born.


Gareth Sheildstryke went out exploring with a 25ly ship, got bored after thousands of jumps and felt the call of the bubble again. He decided to remote jump his FC to meet him and cut down a few thousand LYs off the return trek.

Trouble is, he forgot he had no extra trit in the hold and ran his tank empty with the remote jumping. Now he’s stuck in the middle of no where, with no way of getting trit other than mining it. Except he doesn’t have a mining laser. No matter, a FC is selling mining lasers 600ly away. Despite knowing squad members would have no problem sending out out a FC full of trit to solve his problem, he makes the trek to grab the mining lasers, and goes about learning how to mine trit on his own.

Due to his commitment to overcoming adversity while being stranded in the black, we have decided to award him the CS of “Crusoe”.


As we all know, a little while ago FDEV decided to duplicate and separate the galaxy into Live and Legacy.
This left a section of the Elite community understandably unhappy (oh we know)
After that initial shock we came to understand that the BGS would be separate too. As a group though, our focus would be on the Live version moving forward.

This left the Legacy players in limbo, with little direction.
Some of our members decided that this was an opportunity to expand The Fatherhood faction further across the galaxy with less restrictions than before.
Step forward MaxiMadmax, who took the helm and devoted their time and effort into coordinating this committed bunch to expand The Fatherhood name far and wide.

Much like the Spartans of Sparta, we stand up to the obstacles we face and fight for our preservation, led by own “Leonidas” MaxiMadmax.


Gather round all as we tell the tale of CMDR Hunter_TTC.

While delivering wine to Rackhams, Hunter’s space greed got the better of him and forced him to trade shield-less. Well we all know that space greed hype that makes you feel invincible. So invincible, that you might try to boost between the supports to shave off a few seconds. And that’s just what Hunter did…… except….. he hit the support at full speed and bounced off into a dead spin with his hull at 0%. But for some reason, his hull maintained integrity with a hope and a prayer. Rackhams praised the tonnage delivered suprised that there was “Not a Scratch” on any of the wine.

Henceforth CMDR Hunter_TTC has been known by the call sign, NotAScratch.


Taneth was out exploring the far edge of the galaxy when a lonely and adventurous WileEJeff decided he wanted to hangout, take a few selfies, and have a few laughs. 43,000 arduous light year later WileEJeff found himself out in Aquila’s Halo, with Taneth, joking about how long the DoorDash order took. Taneth felt that WileEJeff deserved a callsign for going the extra mile 43,000 light years just to have a good time. And we agreed.


At number three in the squad and #67 in overall Inara standings, CMDR WALL-EEH is one of our more prolific players. And as it turns out, one of our more philanthropic players as well. Not too long ago, Wall-eeh gave away a ton of Ody mats…and after demand outstripped supply, went ahead and collected more to distribute Robin Hood style.

For those of you unfamiliar with Odyssey materials, Settlement Defense Plans are a rarer material that are not exactly plentiful. So Wall-eeh’s offer to give away 48 of them was met with surprise. Going out and collecting a further 104 could be considered excessive.

In the 22nd century on Earth a compactor robot on Earth worked tireless to salvage and collect useful materials. He had a generous and kind nature. His name was Wall-E.

In recognition of CMDR Wall-eeh’s contribution and efforts to assist their fellow squad members, we award them with their namesake Wall-E’s unit number as a call sign: “62675”


It was the Aftermath War. 16 billion humans were displaced or murdered by the Thargoid invaders.

Steven Schliemann sought to help, hearing the plight of so many souls lost. Wounded needed aid, refugees caught without much needed supplies. He loaded his carrier with fruit, veggies, fish, and other supplies and sent out on a quest to keep everyone fed. As demand shifted, Steven found himself with 6,000 metric tons of fish. After a couple months, Steven still had 4,000 tons he couldn’t dispose of; Asking at times, “Got fish missions?” in an attempt to dispose of his spoiled goods. The pungent smell of his carrier a common complaint amongst his staff and visitors.

Even today, he still may have fish in stock. Who could have guessed that people fleeing war didn’t want a fish?

He made them an offer, and they refused. And for such, he shall be known as Codfather.

Top Gun

A transferable, honorific, callsign awarded to the champion of The Fatherhood’s PVP tournament.

Currently held by CMDR djBeef.


On the Lost in Space expedition, CMDRs Sheehy and Tichro successfully managed to put Tichro’s SRV into geosynchronous orbit while Gaulkahn and Disco Whitefang were observing. We decided to attempt to redirect the SRV back toward the moon from which it launched from to see if he could land it (or to be there to name the crater after him). At about 25km above the surface, Sheehy had to leave Gaulkahn and Disco Whitefang unattended, and shortly thereafter, Gaulkahn experienced some… technical difficulties… His DBX accelerated out of control and clipped Tichro, sending him spinning back into the void. After about 30 minutes of trying to “catch” and rescue him, we all decided it was time to write it off, at which point, Gaulkahn and Disco Whitefang took turns attempting to ram him at high speeds and eventually blew the SRV up. In honor of this adventure, the Veterans have decided that from now on, CMDR Tichro will be known as “Piñata”


Once upon a time CMDR Rectorek was hunting hunting pirates with a wing of squadmates in hazres.
You know, the usual.
At some point both of his wingmates had to leave to restock ammo. While they were away, they noticed that Rec’s shields and hull are rapidly dropping. To their voiced concerns Rec answered “I’m ok.”
Less than a minute after he got destroyed.
After copious amounts of laughing, the Veterans decided to bestow CMDR Rectorek with a callsign “Fleshwound”.


Due to numerous attempts at posting pictures with the .bmp file format to Discord…and then responding to outreaches of assistance by posting more .bmp pictures, Visious–1 will now be known as “Bitmap”.


From the Cambridge Dictionary:
Snitch (noun):
– someone who secretly tells someone in authority that someone else has done something bad, often in order to cause trouble.

And that also pretty much sums up CMDR Bonquiquis intentions when he secretly brought it to the attention of Wing Command (WC) that CMDR Dave Burn and CMDR Gizoux deserved to have call signs pinned to their names.


Gizoux is always around on Discord but issues with his internet connection have caused problems instancing with others for years. He also spends a lot of time behind the scenes on Inara, working with applicants to get their t’s crossed and i’s dotted. Always helping but always in the background. From now on he shall be known as “Dialup”

Self SRVed

Hey folks I’ve got a live one for you, well a dead one anyway! While tinkering and pseudo science down in bug country, Gaulkhan and IronSatellite were out at a thargoid surface site cooking up green relics in the thargoid ez bake oven and trying to science up some other recipes. They dropped relics, orbs, caskets, even some occupied escape pods. It gets hot in there. IronSatellite started overheating, modules shutting down. spinning out of control every time the thargoid ez bake machine hiccuped. IronSatellite’s srv started spinning 360 like a top and he decided to disembark to stop the top. In that moment he found the rebuy screen, killed by his own SRV.


Visious–1 loved taking screenshots during Lost Souls 3. He also loved sharing them with the squad on Discord. Unfortunately ED uses the .bmp format for screenshots – which do not play nicely with Discord. Several attempts at assisting Visious with the problem were met with silence…followed by posting more pictures in the .bmp format. Dozens more. Well that may be exaggerating a bit, but enough to warrant the call sign “Bitmap”

Roid Rage

CMDR Phantom240 traveled around 200Ly to a relatively good mining spot. Before departure, they spent over 100 million credits outfitting their ship to the nines to go mining. However, upon arrival, they learned that instead of Mining Lasers….they had equipped Pulse Lasers requiring them to trek back to the nearest station with mining outfitting. For any miner, this would be just as, if not more, infuriating as forgetting your limpets. Thus the @Veterans have decided to give CMDR Phantom240 the Call Sign “Roid Rage”.


While exploring CMDR Senglr stranded himself in a system where the closest system is at 94 ly, he only had mats for an FSD injection of 87 ly. So, he was super cruising to that system to get to 87 ly.

While super cruising he checked the Fuel Rats website to calculate fuel consumption to lower the distance but found out that he would not make it. So he contacted them for an FC to pick him up a few hours later in order to move him closer to another FC.

The Veterans have deliberated and hence CMDR Senglr shall be known as CMDR “HitchHiker” Senglr


CMDR cameld00d was playing around in an SRV when suddenly, a geyser shot him into the air. Being a low gravity planet, the distance was great enough to auto-dismiss his ship. Upon landing, he damaged his hull and the SRV was still drivable….except, he landed on a second geyser which shot him into space and caused him to explode on the surface. Thus the Fatherhood Veterans decided to dub him “Byeee” cameld00d.


He complained about it taking too long for everyone to get to Colonia. He was told to wait because the group was headed out to Colonia for the Community Goal, but he went ahead and suicided back to the bubble anyways, thinking he would at least get the Alcor Community Goal done and catch a ride with one of us back to Colonia. Except we left already.

Despite a crazy work schedule though, he pulled off a return on the neutron highway (his first neutron jumps ever) and even managed to get enough loads delivered in Colonia to get into the 75% before hitting the hay. Completing both Community Goals would have been a cakewalk for him if he would have followed advice, but he still managed to do it. Even it if was the absolute hardest way possible. And because of that “My way” attitude and the fact that he…”Did It My Way”, the @Veterans have bestowed the Call Sign “Sinatra” to CMDR Billhelm_IV.


Gather around fellow CMDRS, for I have a story to tell.
Once upno a time CMDRs Legion and Lornaki got themselves a bugged combat zone.
The usual kind, where friendlies do not spawn right away, but arrive in a minute or so.
Only this time they didnt and our brave pilots were stuck in a Combat Zone full of hostile ships led by a captain.
They killed captain, then killed the correspondents that arrived to film their imminent demise and were both down to 30-40% hull without any shield, facing around 15 hostile ships and halfway finished fight.
They were ready to fight to the end and rebuy, when suddenly green signatures appeared on the radar.
Lots of green ships with cmdr Abugh leading them.
So, for his timely arrival and resque of his fellow comrades, veterans granted Abugh callsign “Cavalry”.
“Gentlemen, the Cavalry has arrived!”


Recognizing CMDR XpressionN’s distinct first place in the overall Inara squadron rankings, in early 3308, Wing Command decided to grant him the honorable callsign of “Amateur”.

To explain the rationale for the callsign choice, have a look at the Inara Ranks:

Black Friday

Our dear CMDR Pops Ravendish shared with us, a story of a little mishap he had recently in the game, and as a result, we pondered and mused and came up with the callsign of “Black Friday” for him. So much he liked it, he even got FDEV to change his in-game name to that!

Regards the story, here it is in his own words:

So I was parked in the middle of nowhere. When I logged on I noticed there was another FC parked nearby. I didn’t think anything about it and jumped away, headed for Colonia, about 4 jumps. I got to the next system and checked my Tritium reserves…. and nothing!I had left the Market open to sell Tritium, and open the ship for all. and the guy helped himself to ALL my tritium!.

MY BAD. So my plans have changed I’m headed here instead to spend some time mining for tritium. Sheese!


Our very own Corporate Liaison CMDR. It was once believed that Corporate Liaisons “couldn’t be call-signed” by The Fatherhood. Wing Command/Council has decided to put that rumor to rest.

Henceforth, ÇMDR B0B shall be known as “Sideshow”. May this endearing reminder better boost your sales with The Lakon Marketing Division, Keelback Office


CMDR Zhen Wu is minding his own business on a whipping 790-ton cargo run to Cubeo for… I don’t know why. Except when he gets there, he can’t sell any hardpoints cause he keeps getting a mass error. So he removes cargo, he removes more cargo, he keeps removing cargo… until he realized that when throwing his ship together, he blindly ended up engineering a Grade 5 class- E Thruster. Now, who do we know has done a similar thing before…

Addendum: Turns out the ship he was using was a stock Type-9… so it wasn’t just his thrusters that were E-Rated…

Addendum 2: He G5’d most of his stock, E-Rated Type 9


Upon traveling in a system in search of an engineer CMDR HidMov was interdicted by a PvP Pirate. Upon realizing that CMDR HidMov had no cargo, the PvP Pirate asked for Tobacco and Liquor from the local station because, and I quote “Bein’ a space pirate is terribly thirsty work, yaaarrrr.”

Being the upstanding CMDR they are, CMDR HidMov obliged the pirate’s request and brought them smokes and booze right outside the station…..

To which CMDR HidMov was fined for littering in the commodity exchange with the pirate.

The Wellerman Song


There are many knowledgeable people in this squad. No matter what your question – be it ship crafting, game mechanics or just how to do “x”…someone always has your back. Thank goodness too, given that the learning curve in Elite Dangerous is not only steep but seemingly never ending.

But one man stands out in this sea of helpful CMDRs. No matter what the question, Madproforg knows the answer. His seemingly tireless campaign to educate us on every single detail this game has to offer is as astounding as it is commendable. His advice is always accurate, succinct and spans all aspects of the game.

It should therefore come as no surprise that he will henceforth be known as simply “Guru”.

Han Slowlo

CMDR Pandrea Xeres was discussing an Anaconda exploration build, during which it was was suggested he purchase from Jameson Memorial for easy outfitting. “What do you mean you’re not yet Elite despite having nearly 1,700 hours game time.”

Low Res

Cmdr Gerbreal was awarded this callsign when he finally realised he’d been accidentally playing Elite at LOW RESOLUTION graphics settings since day 1, only to realise their error with the release of Odyssey!


Cmdr Cromelech was awarded the callsign “Vulture” during The Fatherhood’s first Free For All Tournament. Pilots were required to participate in a minimum of 7 games to score, and Cmdr Cromelech came in second.


Sloth Peralta, now know also as “Bot”, once took a trip to Hutton Orbital. During his long flight, he wasn’t paying attention, as he was planning his next big exploration trip into the black. He overshot Hutton Orbital by 1,000,000 ls, and had to pull a u-turn, taking another 15 minutes.


CMDR John Harmon, so called forth “Reboot” for his dedication of starting it all over again. Upon the release of odyssey, and instead of stretching his legs, he so chose a whole brand new pair, wiped his save and started once again.


Cmdr pin72 “Denied” had an expensive day that day. Instead of exploring he decided to camp in the bubble until Odyssey was released. While out working on his combat rating, he picked up a 50m odd credit mission to fight a bunch of pirates and a few mission on the side.

Well, he got all 50+ pirates, but still needed to collect his mission rewards. En route, he dropped into a planetary base and in about 30 seconds his ‘vette is destroyed, and he’s rebuying at a detention center.

What’s a poor CMDR to do but try again? Before he even managed to get to ask for landing clearance, he’s back at the detention center. Even after visiting an interstellar factor to clear his name, he found nothing — no bounty.

One more try at the planetary base and… dead again. Finally looking at the base in Inara he discovers the base is managed by the pirates he’d been hunting and he was no longer welcome at their base! 90m credits in rebuy down the drain. So much for that 50m credit haul.


Cmdr Sloth “Bot” Peralta kept getting interrupted by Dad Bot turning his words into the most classic of dad-puns, “Hi _____, I’m Dad.” All of this after a conversation about him needing a bot to post his sloth memes. Getting the “Bot” callsign was simply inevitable.


Cmdr Qildail was awarded “Webb” after the James Web Telescope. Cmdr Qildail, a deep space explorer, has provided countless high quality images from the black. He has fundamentally changed how we see the Elite: Dangerous universe.


Cmdr Kenaz made an impact on our Community Goals efforts with an impressive array of stats and graphs charting the progression of the Css that would put a business news channel to shame. In honor of this, he was awarded a callsign and is now known as Cmdr Kenaz “Stats”.


Jebediah invented the “one true salute” to piss off TK. It worked then, and still works today. o5


Cmdr huckleberry69 “Tripped” was awarded his callsign when he learned the value of module power management. On a quest to engineer his Federal Gunship for combat zones, he was hopping around all of the engineer sites. In the process, he was interdicted by a pirate. His ship, nearly finished engineering, gave him the confidence to teach the fella a lesson. He submits to the interdiction, spins around to scan the ship and deploy hard points when his ship grinds to a halt. His shields drop and life support kicks in. Turns out, he didn’t move the non-essential modules to a different power priority.

Luckily the pirate lost interest and jumped away, leaving Cmdr huckleberry to sort his ship out.

The Jackal

Cmdr Sugnit went above and beyond to pursue our machinations in LHS 28. He carved a vast swatch through the forces of LHS 28 Commodities leaving only wreckage and sublimating corpses. He earned an impressive bounty tally that may have totaled over a hundred million credits. For his efforts he was bestowed “The Jackal” callsign.


Cmdr Toxophilite “Jones” was awarded his callsign in honor of discovery of some new Guardian ruins. His callsign is a nod to “Dr. Jones” of Indiana Jones fame.


Cmdr Leesti was aware the callsign “Zeppelin” in recognition of holding the record for the most helium-rich gas giants discovered in a single system.


Cmdr Drazkul happened to mention he was food phobic while walking round Manchester. When asked what he did eat, he replied chips and chicken nuggets, hence the “Mc” in front of his name.


Cmdr Andy “Hornet” Graham’s callsign, HORNET: He Only Really Needs Everybody’s Timezone


CMDR Murvkins was awarded the callsign Loadmaster in recognition of his devotion to the repair of Cartwright Terminal, demonstrated by flying 2 Type-9’s.


Cmdr TacMedic1112 had just purchased a shiny new shield generator, but vented that his shields still remained red on his HUD. After some back-and-forth consultation with CMDR Brian “UI” o’Fish, the issue was identified.

From Cmdr Brian “UI” o’Fish’s analysis:

Having reviewed the situation, my diagnosis is that the shop which sold you that shield generator, has defrauded you. You actually do not have one fitted, only boosters.

To which Cmdr TacMedic1112 replied:


Clearly Cmdr “Booster” TacMedic1112 wasn’t born yesterday. Well, not anymore at least.


CMDR Bennerz (AKA CMDR Ben) blew up a Beluga while failing passenger missions in LP 417. He claims he didn’t realize how fragile they were and asked for some advice on how to bring the hull down in a more controlled manner.

The ever helpful CMDR “Jailbird” Jack_Harper offered this choice advice:

“Attention passengers, we will now be grinding against the station communications array. Please sit in a calm, orderly fashion as we listen to the lovely sounds of metal on metal.”

Unfortunately, to avoid blowing up, just take it slow.

CMDR Ben replied:

It was my first time… the excitement got to me. I couldn’t contain myself or take it slow… and then… Pop! All over and done with in a nanosecond.

Congratulations CMDR Ben “Grinder”

This Is Fine

CMDR I Am Bob Dobbs was getting ready for a Colonia cruise by getting in good with the engineers. He heard an engineer needed sensor fragments and set out to collect them from a Thargoid site. Filling up his ship with about twenty-five sensors, he started heading back to his carrier. While flying back, his ship starts disintegrating at an alarming rate. The canopy busted open and he barely landed in time with no HUD.

After jumping his carrier to the engineer’s system, he flew over to their base from the host star. His ship began falling apart again–an even closer call than last time. Once again, he barely docked with no canopy, no HUD, and less than 30 seconds of life support left.

Going to turn in the sensors, he discovered he was short by four sensors, and he’d been gathering Thargoid sensors the whole time. He took off from the engineers, dumping all the Thargoid sensors buy one above the pad. Of course, that earned him a littering fine.

He started the return trip to the Thargoid site in his DBX, leaving his carrier behind. On the way, he got hyperdicted by three Thargoids, his first encounter ever. They shut him down, scanned him, and left for better things. Eventually he got his sensor fragments and got serviced by the engineer.

To this day, he’s kept one of the Thargoid sensors on his carrier as a reminder of the whole crazy affair.

Not So Private

Once upon a time, CMDR Tannock was enraged after being ganked in our PG. Sounds unbelievable, right? After a thorough investigation by the powers that be it turns out this is completely and utterly FALSE!

He had accidentally logged into Open!

From that time on, he’s been our CMDR “Not So Private” Tannock.

Limp Bzkit

One day a short and tragic story appeared in #thargoid-channel:

“So having scraped some parts from the Challenger, I took the DBS out for a wing session with Legion_r917th “Stierlitz”, Marina97 “Meltdown” and XpressioN tonight.

– One basilisk down with 100% hull remaining (thanks Legion)
– Next Basilisk spammed invisible shutdown fields but still scraped through.

Legion had to leave us and that’s when things turned sour.

Third Basilisk, I took a couple of volleys head on, which put me in a delicate position, around 20% hull remaining. Decided to keep on soldiering through. Managed to get in and destroy a heart but left with 7% hull.

Luckily, our wing packed limpets. While avoiding the swarm and unnaturally fast Thargoid, just about got close enough for a limpet but also in range of the Basilisk.

What I didn’t realise was Xpression had double crossed us and sided with the Thargoids – he put enough force into his limpet to take me down for good.

I had a sombre moment reading the white text on a black background.

‘Ship Destroyed’.”

After lengthy discussion and a vote, Veterans decided that CMDR MorallyGrayArea shall be known as “Limp Bzkit”.


It is always with the greatest respect that we grant a callsign, and this occasion is no different.
The following story was shared by a vitness, CMDR Jarasis Par:

“We were sitting in comms, Gnome had gone for a #2, he was gone for not 15 seconds and his ship had blown up next to the carrier he was docking at. We started laughing our butts off and we pulled out our screen recorders, waiting for Gnome to return. He got back with an absolutely priceless reaction and we all, after a few minutes of straight screaming in laughter, decided the callsign should be SkuttleButt, refering to how he came running back out of the bathroom, god bless that moment!”

Veterans concurred event to be worthy and name suitable.

So CMDR “Skuttlebutt” Suicidal Gnme earned his new callsign: “Skuttlebutt”


CMDR Jarasis Par rushed to the aid of his comrades who had poked a bear with their SRVs (NPC Type-10 parked on the surface). Trouble was they were on a planet that was basically in the photosphere of a G-class star, and cooked his ship making his approach. He managed to save the SRVs, land for the usual shenanigans, and make it to a starport for repairs.
By the Veteran’s vote, Jarasis Par is now known as “Sunburn”.

Wolf Knob

Nightfury “Wolf knob”, had a knack for finding wolf-rayet stars. Quite a few of them. He also found some “phallic” looking systems.

Simple really. Ask him for a “star pic”.


Once upon a time cmdr Linsan decided to seek volunteers for BGS priority mission in #pc-wing-requests channel by copying said mission to the channel.
Not only that, but he also copied global BGS ping, which is included in such missions, resulting in him pinging whole BGS crew, including managers and rangers.
And so, by veterans vote, cmdr Linsan now known as Megaphone.

Black Out

Cmdr Necra Requiem drunk-purchased a Vulture and flew it without rebuy. The next day, he discovered it was missing, presumed destroyed, but has no recollection of what happened.
Following a vote, he is now known as Necra “Black Out” Requiem.


Once upon a time I was hunting thargoid interceptors in a wing of 3 our other cmdrs: cmdr XpressioN , cmdr Linsan and, the reason you’re reading this, cmdr Marina97.

When we were bringing down yet another Basilisk, cmdr Marina97 engaged silent running to gain some heat and burn off caustic damage. It’s a viable and popular tactic for such situations… except when you forget to turn it off and continue fighting interceptor.

Marina went up to 2200% heat by the time the Basilisk was dead and she noticed that something’s amiss.

And so, from that moment cmdr Marina97 is known as “Meltdown”

– cmdr Legion_r917th of The Fatherhood


“Right. Now pay attention 007. First, your new car. BMW Agile 54 with gears. All points radar. Self destruct system. And, naturally, all the usual refinements. Now, this I’m particularly proud of – behind the headlights, stinger missiles!”

Major Tom

On 20th January, 2021, CMDR DsTrbD NrD was playing around with CMDRs Gareth Shieldstryke and I am Bob Dobbs in system Flyiedgiae QN-T D3-17 planet AB1 whilst on one of the many Colonia Cruise pitstops. DsTrbd decided he wanted to have some fun with launching his SRV into space, much to the crazed looks of everyone around him. The CMDR decided to jump onto his ship, and then promptly dismiss it, causing him to launch high up into the sky… except the CMDR didn’t account for gravity and ended up continously floating upwards. After about 6-odd hours, his buddies decided to ride with it and occasionally “nudged” him higher into the stratosphere, ultimately ending up at a whopping 2.75ls off the surface of the planet, all the while popping on his favourite David Bowie CD and singing along to “Space Oddity” as the whole scenario played out. Thus, with suggestion from several CMDRs, he was bestowed the honorable callsign of “Major Tom”.


Sopues “Albuquerque” was on an exploration trip…but lost his way to Sag A, taking sharp turns around the Centre of the Galaxy. He says it was due to an error in rotating the map…

He eventually made it!


He’s an odd one, that Legion_r917th. One minute he’s organizing SRV Mountaineering Events, the next he’s disappearing due to some… [REDACTED] stuff for [REDACTED]. It’s like he’s a ghost… or James Bond or something, I don’t know. I actually caught up with him once and asked him about it, but all he replied to me was: “Странное свойство моей физиономии: всем кажется, что меня только что где—то видели (My physiognomy has a strange quality: everyone thinks that they’ve just seen me somewhere.) And then he vanished.

What a strange CMDR…“Stierlitz”



During one of SRV Mountain Climbing event on Pomeche 3 C, after 3+ hours of climbing and driving, when our group was 200 m from summit an… accident had occurred. CMDR Kik Ravendish decided to celebrate out arrival to the peak by some jumping in his SRV and flew a few dozens meters up. As it happened, just in that same moment CMDR Chris Xander was doing a flyby above us and Kik’s SRV got clipped, smashing to smithereens midair.

Thus, CMDR Kik Ravendish is now known as “Clipped”

(and Chris Xamder is “Clipper”)


During one of SRV Mountain Climbing event on Pomeche 3 C, after 3+ hours of climbing and driving, when our group was 200 m from summit an… accident had occurred. CMDR Chris Xander, after losing his last SRV to a crevice, was following us at low altitude in his Imperial Clipper. When we were at our last meters before reachin the peak, he decided to give us a congratulatory flyby. As it happened, just in that same moment CMDR Kik Ravendish decided to celebrate our arrival by some jumping in his SRV and flew a few dozens meters up, which resulted in him being clippered by Chris and absolutely smashed to smithereens midair.

Thus, CMDR Chris Xander is now known as “Clipper”

(and Kik Ravendish is “Clipped”)

99 Problems

After a hilarious tale involving a guardian beacon and the string of epic fails that continued afterwards, CMDR iplayagame very much earned his callsign of “99 Problems”.

As the tale was epic, it deserves to be recorded for eternity, thusly:

  • does not get a guardian key to drop… because scanning from a fighter does not work. “i had to go back to the mothership, i believe”
  • once that is resolved… “got it. oops. no collector limpets”
  • well, manual scooping? … “my beluga’s too fat”
  • finally managed… “tapped it out of the little hole with my fighter”
  • lands fighter by crashing it into the beluga. “i mean it’s how i always get back to my ship”
  • game fatally crashes
  • but starts okay again. now just needs to get back without dying…


“We’re all in voice comms for the Skardee Mountain Expedition and a certain CMDR ObjectofEnmity developed a fun – read annoying – habit of causing ruckus everywhere he goes. From bumping into people, to flying over hills and landing on people, to “accidentally” shooting people, to just being an absolute disaster. It was so bad that we likened it to the destructive force of a wrecking ball, and, due to his history with Blue Squadron and their musically inclined callsigns, dubbed him “Miley” as he did, infact, multiple times, come in like a Wrecking Ball.”

– An excerpt from [REDACTED] personal log dated 01/12/3306

Patient Zero

Once upon a time, our beloved game launched with lot of press on a new distribution channel, the Epic Game Store, and even was given away for free, so a lot of new members arrived, and their application process of course was disturbed by the inevitable bugs that are always present around stuff launching anew…

And so it happened that our CMDR Danieltails was the first one to come in on this new venue, and verily, he showed a huge amount of patience with the process, endured numerous trials and tribulations, subsisting for a while on peach juice alone…. i.e. he was a real Patient Zero with enthusiasm.


CMDR “Jailbird” Jack_Harper.

For failure to figure out the Interstellar Factors and finding himself repeatedly in the detention ship, he has been bestowed the callsign “Jailbird”.

“So, I think that the Interstellar Factors didn’t work for me. It’s just that I can’t remember when or where my bounties came from and if I went to a IF or not.

The other day I was at an IF but in a different ship.

And here I was going system to system paying bounties directly thinking I had a bug. Been to so many detention facilities in the past two days.”


From Lost Souls 2 Expedition, CMDR Reinhardt became the de-facto ringleader for PC Squadron when it came to coordinating mass jumps to the next waypoint, and did a fantastic job. Arranging mass jumps over VC was like herding cats, and was dubbed “Herder” for the remainder of the expedition. It stuck and became official. This is also probably the most accurate description of “organizing” those bloody mass jumps.

Mr. Magoo

CMDR Ed Lave, frustrated at not being able to deploy his Detailed Surface Scanner, moved closer to the planet.

“Too far for DSS deployment.” He moved closer still. “Too far for DSS deployment.”

“Oh this ******* game is ******* ******* ****!” were the words registered to the flight recorder.

It was subsequently ascertained that Ed “Mr. Magoo” had targeted a different planet.


At a Lost Souls Expediton 2 weekly waypoint, CMDR DruidicFireball found himself alone. He checked his position at geological site 5. He was at geo 5. Nonplussed, he contacted his fellow CMDRs. He asserted he was at geo 5 on the correct planet. In this assertion he was correct, it was ascertained that he was, indeed, at geo 5 on the correct planet at the correct time on the correct date.

The waypoint was bio 5, on the other side of the planet.


Here’s another one straight from the horse’s mouth:

“My moment of glory : was at an engineer’s station getting my exploraconda ready for Lost Souls. As I was leaving the lighting was perfect for a great photo opp. Went into external camera mode and started looking for the perfect angle / shot …. then noticed the station started firing on someone and wondered what the poor cmdr had done …then quickly realized it was firing at me ( I forgot to clear the pad ), exited camera mode and tried to boost away but too late.. rebuy ! The worse thing is, I never got the pic … I also missed the opportunity of getting a pic of my ship blowing up.”


Casbalti is a technology genius, and has no problems whatsover in getting voice packs and other useful plugins working with his E:D setup. None whatsoever.


While out mining, Scrubbs couldn’t understand why his ship was overheating, ever after he deployed heatsinks. After sharing this problem with his fellow wing mates, it was quickly pointed out that he had zero pips assigned to “weapons”…

In his defense, he wanted it mentioned that he was quite sedated on painkillers at the time…


As part of [REDACTED], Spidey002 went on a one-man murder spree, taking down a commendable number of enemies of The Fatherhood with selfless regard for his own notoriety and reputation.

still alive

Pretty straightforward here: After a long absence, some started to wonder if HoPpo was still alive due to his stretch of inactivity. Their fears were calmed when he made his triumphant return to the “hood”, as he puts it.


Did you hear the one about the guy who went all the way out to Hutton Orbital and returned without a mug? Well, doomeddonut has….on 3 separate occasions. To his defense, the first time he visited he had no idea there even was a mug in the gift store. Some time later, a little embarrassed and determined to add this little ceramic momento to his trophy shelf, he made the long trip back out there in his brand new T7….you know, the T7 that requires a LARGE landing pad to dock….needless to say, no mug on that day either. Two strikes down for our intrepid explorer when a mistake at the Mission Board in Hajangai sends him to Hutton on a cargo run loaded with lots of beer, and very little sleep….after arriving in a drunken stupor, happy to get off-loaded and zip back to Schwann as quick as possible for some much needed shuteye, he enters witchspace for a 3rd time without filling that space on the shelf….

“Fourth time’s a charm though”


David Arnold’s callsign has two origins. First, he is recognised numerous times in the Hall of Fame, some good and some bad! Secondly, and more relevantly, he is an outstanding contributor to The Fatherhood’s faction simulation activities.


Cmdr “Turtle” Archley’s story is so good, we decided to let him tell it himself:

My call sign? Everybody asks about my call sign. The story is a bit embarrassing, to be honest. It all started, when I was exploring some Guardian ruins. Synuefe region, I think. So there I was, exploring the ruins, when my scanner picked up a ship. I naturally drove to check it out. An Anaconda, it was. And much to my surprise, a Fatherhood one. I hailed, but there was no response. Asleep at the helm, I thought, and decided to arrange a bit of a surprise. I’d hop on top of the Anaconda with my SRV. Naturally, it didn’t go as planned. I underestimated the size of the ship and the effect of gravity, and went smack on the side of the ship. I landed, upside down like an up-ended turtle or beetle, beside the ship. Being too close to the ship, I couldn’t use the SRV thrusters. And of course, then Commander Olthuis comes to his senses. If it wasn’t an airless planet, I’d probably have heard his laughter even through the hull.


Cmdr “Meticulous” Uhler Soft has this incurable itch to scan every single body in every system that he visits…including those that are over 300kls away from system arrival. He has traveled over 130kly and visited over 3,100 systems, each and every one fully mapped…


Cmdr “Eclipse” M Clanger produced a stunning set of images when he captured a double-eclipse from his SRV.


On an exploration journey, Boostrapped stopped to make some AFMU repairs to his modules…including his life support system. After repairs had concluded, he forgot to reactivate his life support system, leading to a very slow death…

Bob Ross

Cmdr “Bob Ross” Idirian fancied a shiny new paint job for his Cutter. So he bought one. Except he didn’t, he mistakenly bought a Clipper paint job instead. Two paint jobs later, some claim it was a mistake, others claim it was due to his love of all things painting. Thus “Bob Ross” was the suggested and accepted callsign.

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