
20 Jun 2024

Our story here is for non other than CMDR Bamm67. The setting….a Star Citizen Prospector (mining-specific ship). For some reason that day CMDR Bamm67 thought it was a splendid idea to juggle his Nokia Brick 5000 and a Torpedo Burrito while operating the controls (standard mining operating procedure). However, shifting the slippery Torpedo Burrito and the Nokia Brick 5000 between hands while operating the mining laser with your toes was also not the best course of action (even though it also is standard mining operation procedure). Upon doing so, CMDR Bamm67’s Nokia Brick 5000 slipped from his hand hitting the keyboard directly on the Jettison Cargo button which ejected his pods. Upon trying to return with another ship to retrieve them, they were nowhere in sight.

With this grand event, the @Veterans have decided to bestow the name “Butterfingers” Bamm67