Waypoint 12: Little Trojan
11 Jun 2022Greetings, LS3 CMDRs!
You’ve made it to the Western Meridian! We are roughly 29500LY away from the comfortable beds and strong drinks at Schwann Port. However, each week brings us closer to those familiar and happy surroundings! I’m sure many of you discovered a great many planets, bodies and unique stars over the last few weeks. We are proud of you for your discoveries! You’ve advanced the breadth of human knowledge and made the galaxy just a little bit more connected!
That being said, the last two weeks were simply a practice run for this leg of the journey. The next two weeks will see you traveling 12,000 LY south and east towards the edge of one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way. The true Explorers among you will be chomping at the bit for all the exploration you’ll be able to accomplish over the next two weeks! There are no POIs for this leg, as no one has really explored out here. We are truly in uncharted space here, folks.
We suggest that if you find any particularly unique systems that you bring them to the attention of Expedition Leadership and we can help get them submitted to EDSM as POIs.
Over the next two weeks we genuinely do not know what you’ll experience as nobody really comes out here. Make the most of it, Explorers! Let’s see what we can find out here and talk about it over a campfire at the next meetup!!
As a standard warning, stars are still fairly sparse out here. It is not hard to get stuck. If you are uncomfortable navigating these regions of space please do not feel bad to either hanging out near the FCs or traveling on them.
We will see you all again in two weeks!!
And like always, Expedition Leadership wishes you all safe travels and many unique finds!!

Waypoint 12: Little Trojan
System: Myoidu HS-S d4-3
The 2nd planet shares the orbit with planet 1. That wouldn’t be unusual if it were a binary planetary system. Instead planet 2 is on the lagrange point L4 or L5 of planet 1 which makes it a trojan.
The fact that their orbits should be stable and planet 2 is in fact on L4 or L5 was proven by flying next to planet 1 and checking the distance to planet 2. The small planet on L4/L5, the star and the large planet form an equilateral triangle which is easy to validate. The measured distance from planet 1 to 2 was within acceptable range to fulfill this requirement.
June 12th Meetup
Meetup Location: Geo Site 19 on Planetary Body 3A in the Cyuefai QP-K B49-0 System.
Region | Meetup Time | Mass Jump Time |
Europe | 1900 UTC | 2000 UTC |
Americas | 2300 UTC | 0000 UTC |