Waypoint 14: Sochi
2 Jul 2022
Greetings LS3 Commanders,
This last week was truly fun. Ring Shore is a place I’ve wanted to see for a long time. I, personally, love seeing the interaction between the celestial bodies in this game and this is a very direct example of that. Enough about me, though, let’s talk about LS3!
This upcoming week is a very special week in terms of the Lost Souls Expedition series. This week we return to the Zurara! Those familiar with The Fatherhood or Lost Souls history may know that The Zurara was the destination of the first ever Lost Souls expedition. This cemented this location as a place of prime significance to The Fatherhood forever. I encourage everyone to visit that POI this week.
This week, we’ll experience a bit of Life and Death, a little Fatherhood History and meet up again on a very interesting planet!
As always, Expedition Leadership wishes everyone safe travels and many great finds!
POI 1 : Opposites
System: Smaidou ZE-A g0
One of the very few systems in the far outer rim of the New Outer Arm that hosts a black hole as its primary hyperspace arrival point. This system also contains two freshly born T-Tauri-Stars. Life and death are close together here. An opportunity to refuel is provided by a nearby A-type-sequence star.
POI 2: The Zurara
System: Syreadiae JX-F c0
This megaship from the mysterius Dynasty Expedition was found deep within the Formidine Rift on April 17th 3303.
Audio logs on the site tell the story of the unfortunate crew. It is a haunted place…
Waypoint 14: Sochi
System: Hypo Aeb WK-H b51-0
When setting down on orbital body B 1 you will notice that your fuelscoop is busy… as this scorched planet is only 1.5 ls from the star it orbits. Scans indicate that geysers can be found there, but so far no one has stayed long enough to locate any…
July 3rd Meetup
Meetup Location is at Smaidiae IZ-M d8-7 planet 1 A at geo site 8.
Region | Meetup Time | Mass Jump Time |
Europe | 1900 UTC | 2000 UTC |
Americas | 2300 UTC | 0000 UTC |